Our LARGEST Jamboree Is Weeks Away!

Our 2018 Back2School Jamboree & Family Expo was nothing short of amazing! We helped close to two thousand kids get prepared to go back to school! Not only were school supplies gives, we offered free groceries, medical screenings, entertainment and other community resources. We are nearly ONE MONTH away from our 9th Annual Back-2-School Jamboree and Family Expo and this year’s event and we believe this year’s event will be our largest Jamboree EVER! Save the date and pass the information on to anyone you know that’s in need of assistance for their family for the 2018-2019 school year!
If by chance you don’t need assistance but would like to assist us, CLICK HERE and sponsor a backpack or 2! A $10 donation sponsors a backpack. The need for assistance in North Houston has grown over the years, but with your help, we will meet and exceed the needs of our communities! We thank you in advance for helping us reach our community in an even more effective way!